Friday, October 31, 2008

Grateful Friday

Winter seems to be here. The cold hasn't crept in unnoticed as usual, but turned up unexpected one wintery day. I don't mind and quite enjoyed digging out thermals, scarf, hat and legwarmers in one day... my hands were cold on the cycle yesterday morning so I'd better hunt for some gloves soon too. So, on this blistery Friday I am grateful for:

1. Autumn fashion - layering is made for me! I adore nothing more than leaving the house in six layers all wrapped up like origami away from the biting wind. And I get to wear legwarmers all the time, what more could a girl want?

2. Potato and bacon gratin - real comfort food. I made up a recipe and cooked this for H and I this week, it was delicious!

3. A surprise day tomorrow - I don't know where I'm going but I know I'll be too excited to sleep tonight :-)

4. Remembering what matters in life, and forgetting the rest. Chaos has visited me too many times to count over the last month. And while there have been times of sadness, of fear, of truth, of loneliness, of despair and of helplessness, there have also been flickers of love and joy and reality and truth and openness - gorgeously beautiful moments with those whom I am honoured to share this life with. You know who you are, and this week it's you whom I'm most grateful for, a thousand thank yous.

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