Having already blogged about how hungry I am this week (something to do with being ill last week and jet lag), I woke up this morning dreaming of pancakes... not just those thin, pathetic, floppy things we pull out on Shrove Tuesday, but thick American-style ones with maple syrup. Yum. There were two options: go to Giraffe on High St Ken and pay just less than ten quid, or make my own. As the former involved getting dressed on a cold morning, I went for the homemade variety!
They were awesome. I promise, though they didn't really look that like the photo...
If you want to make your own, here's the recipe:
1 cup plain flour
2 tbsp sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 large egg, beaten
2 tbsps melted butter
Milk - enough to make batter that pours (but is still thick)
Combine dry ingredients, stir in egg and butter and enough milk to make it just pourable (think thick wallpaper paste). Cook on a hot griddle* with lots of butter. Serve with maple syrup and a bit of bacon if you're feeling really American!
* I actually own a griddle thanks to a dead great-aunt, but I hear a frying pan works just as well.
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