Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Diary (mis)management

Today I spent a good ten minutes on the phone trying to arrange to meet a friend for a drink. Or a coffee. Or dinner. Or five minutes. Or even a longer phone call. It kinda went like this:
Hi! It's been ages!
Yeah, we should meet up.
Definitely. How about Tuesday?

No, can't do Tuesdays.
Next Thursday's no good - work thing.
This weekend?
Hmmm, got friends coming up on Saturday.
How's a week Friday for you?
Oh, that's my friend's birthday.
Right, two weeks on Monday?
No, doing a course on Mondays now.
Ok. I've got it. 14th October? Any good?
Yep, suits me!
Bit far away.
Yeah, but best to get it in the diary.
Might have to cancel though... think I might have a launch that night.
Never mind.
Well, catch up properly then.
Yeah, really looking forward to it.
Great, take care.
You too.

Yeah, whatever!

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