Thursday, June 22, 2006


Amazingly, my last two days in Chennai were spent with an old friend from London, who has just moved there. I helped her move into her new flat and provided moral support killing cockroaches in the bathroom! I felt like such an expert and took great satisfaction in throwing four ugly carcasses down the toilet. Funny how that kind of thing used to gross me out, now after a few months in Asia I'm so blasé about creepy crawlies. As long as they don't crawl on my face I don't care, I'll carry on sleeping. In fact there are ants in my bed this week and I can't figure out where they're coming from... I find them quite fascinating to look at crawling up and down my arms and across my pillow, they seem to be on a mission to who-knows-where. Actually, their destintation is perilous death if I roll over in the night. God bless them! At least I'm not a Buddhist, I'd have to save each one of them, which would mean no sleep for me.

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