Saturday, February 24, 2007


How much time do I spend waiting. I don't mean literally waiting for a bus, or a train, or a friend who's late for coffee. I mean mentally waiting for things/events/people to show up in my life... It struck me today that sometimes I'm so focused on where I want to be, what I want to change that I forget about now, this moment. A tired me propped up on cushions under a stripey blanket, typing away for prosperity and practice into a white laptop. I've given up a few things for Lent, vices mostly - coffee, alcohol - but I've also given up waiting. We live here, now, not five years down the line, and I hope I can make the most of it.

1 comment:

Caillie Evans said...

Jules, I can relate to the 'waiting' concept. I've always tried to live in the here and now, but since I've been pregnant it just seems like I'm waiting for July to come (not that I'm not enjoying myself now). Maybe I should take a leaf out of your book.