I've been doing some research and I found out about a Japanese screen-printing machine called a Gocco. Imagine my excitement when I realised what can be done with this little machine!

Image (c) Chris Keegan, found via Flickr. For more of Chris' work see here.
This little video * gives you an idea of the process involved, it's old-fashioned and quirky, but that's part of the appeal.
At the same time as I was thinking about a Gocco, I read on a friend's blog that she had just bought one. She printed some gorgeous cards and I quickly emailed to share my excitement. To cut a long story short she then helped me buy a second hand Gocco on Etsy (the US crafters site) and I actually did a victory lap of the sitting room with excitement! I just can't wait to get my little mitts on it :-) I promise to post my first attempt, failure or success for you to see.
*The video link should now be working - thanks to Suzanne for pointing out that the link didn't work.
Hi! Did you make that print with your "new" Gocco?! It's beautiful! Um, a couple of glitches: the little video link and the Relatime widget link don't go anywhere. Is it my Firefox browser, or does some code need checking?
Anyway, thanks for sharing your inspiration! Suzanne
I didn't make the print featured sadly - there's a link to the artist on my post though!
I haven't got my gocco yet, but watch this space for photos when it arrives!
I've fixed the code and the video link now works. Thanks!
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