Sunday, April 30, 2006

Hairy Experience

Do you like going to the hairdressers? Personally I don’t rate it. The experience sits with getting my teeth cleaned, or spending four hours on a National Express bus. But like all of those things, it’s sometimes a necessity. I was pretty wary of letting a Singaporean loose on my Irish locks, having heard horror stories of too many layers and looking like a bush afterwards (Asian hair is cut very differently), so walking past Toni & Guy earlier it seemed to be a good idea. Even in Oz, it’s a pretty pricey place, so I didn’t expect to be soaked by the person washing my hair, or told “You really should brush your hair more” by the stylist. She was a nice enough person, but there’s something aggravating about sitting in front of a mirror for over an hour while a stranger gives you tips on how to have better hair, when I know that I’ll go back to scrunching it with some nice smelling stuff and leaving it to dry in the sun. Oh no, apparently I’m using completely the wrong shampoo, not enough conditioner, I don’t wash my hair enough and I should really think about colour, because everyone’s doing it nowadays and if I want to keep up I’d better join the masses. Hmmm. I felt so rubbish about myself at the end of it that my first thought was to go and buy a whole new outfit! Reality soon hit though, and I went for sushi instead. It’s the green tea, it’s good for you :-)

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