Sunday, April 02, 2006

Too many people!

If the definition of an "extrovert" is a person who gets energy from being around lots of new people, then I'm definitely an introvert. I love people, I adore my friends and am missing you all like crazy, but talking to people I don't know isn't relaxing. One or two are ok, but these past few weeks I've met SO many new people that my E-Q is getting full. I've been travelling with work and this week all our regional contacts from the Asia-Pacific are here, so there are lots of new faces. I was talking to a guy earlier and it was as if my brain had the plug pulled on it, white noise flowed through my head and crackled. I think I need a holiday... I've got one coming next week when my mum and two aunts are coming to stay, so I'm looking forward to that...

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