Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Decisions, decisions

Is anyone as bad at making decisions as me, I wonder? I have absolutely no faith in my own paper-thin, fickle judgement, especially this week. I’m caught in the middle of one of those ‘between times’ where I’m really not sure what to do. It’s no small matter, and whatever decision I finally come to (assuming I don’t curl up and die of cold in the indecision) will affect pretty much all of my life. I’m being pulled by a string through each ear, looping through my brain, and the pull is tugging a different way every single day. People say all kinds of things, some kind, some heartfelt, some selfish, some wise, some crap nonsense. I’m grateful for them all, but I need to make my mind up. Trouble is it just won’t stay down.

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