Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Cycling at what price?

I would never define myself as a protester or as being 'anti' anything. I'd much rather be 'pro' something and make an opinion in a positive and gracious way. That's part of the reason why I love Critical Mass, a monthly group cycle ride through London that meets on the South Bank. There's no agenda, just a group out to raise the profile of cycling in the city by doing it together one Friday evening.

In my experience (and I know things haven't always been like this in the past) the atmosphere is always fun, friendly and relaxed. Before the ride cyclists of all ages and types gather to chat, ring their bells and admire other riders' bikes and accessories. You're just as likely to see a fifty-year-old lady with a basket full of flowers on her Pashley, as a trendy group of couriers on their fixies. It's great fun and from what I have seen, the cyclists are not there to make trouble.

I was really sad to read of what happen in New York recently. The equivalent of Critical Mass is called Times Up! At their ride last week, a policeman deliberately ran into a cyclist, pushed him to the ground and then arrested him for assault. A tourist captured the event on video from the curbside, and the police officer has now been stripped of his badge. (For more info see here and here). See the video here.

1 comment:

The Pastor said...

Watching that video really annoyed. Thanks for sharing though and also the information on the Critical mass cycle rally. I will def join one once I get my bike. I'm planning on building a new one.